ОТВЕТЫ К ЛЕКСИЧЕСКИМ УПРАЖНЕНИЯМ


                                                                                                                                   Her first night


1. He came to Moscow on business one day and the following Saturday he invited me to the theater. 2. I saw her name on the posters the other day. 3. The audience applauded her stormily after each act. 4. I wonder how she'll manage that most difficult part. 5. He is not a Muscovite but he comes to Moscow on business quite often and never misses an opportunity of going to the best Moscow theaters. 6. At last the great day came when she appeared on the stage of one of the best Moscow theaters. 7. Her performance was so good that she was immediately given the part of Eliza. 8. There was no doubt that she was a great success. 9. During the rehearsals the best actors in the theater did their best to help her. 10. The young actress's ambition had been to play the part in the capital. 11. She came to the theater one winter day and asked the leading actors to give her a chance to act a few scenes from “Pygmalion” to them. 12. Eliza Doolittle was her favorite part. 13. We found out that she had come to Moscow from a small town where she worked at the local theater. 14. During the interval everybody talked about the new actress. 15. so she had decided to go to Moscow. 16. The best actors in the company were playing that night. 17. Our seats were in the third row of the stalls. 18. He said that “Pygmalion” was on with a new actress in the leading part. 19. We got to the theater just before the curtain went up. 20. Soon after we took our seats the lights went slowly down and the play began. 21. The rest of the cast were wonderful as usual. 22. The house was packed. 23. Nick Petrov, a friend of mine, is like that. 24. There are people who are neither actors nor directors yet they are so fond of the theater that they can't live without it.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              My hobby


1. Each stamp has a story to tell of distant countries and strange people. 2. How do I get my stamps? 3. Of course she didn't let me touch the stamps until I was old enough. 4. They were in four albums but since then I have added three more, so now I have a bigger collection than any of my friends. 5. Now that I am working for my living, I don't have a s much time to spend on my stamps. 6. I have never bought a single one from a shop. 7. My father who works in a big office sometimes brings me stamps from different parts of the world. 8. But in the evening what can be better than to sit down at a table with my albums arranging the new stamps in them, writing in the names of the countries, or, if I am too tired, only looking through the stamps already in the albums. 9. And I have friends both here and in other countries who send me stamps in return for the ones I send to them. 10. I see pictures of men and women, birds and animals that I myself have never seen. 11. When I was still a baby my mother began collecting for me. 12. Just as my mother collected for me, so, I too, am collecting for my future child. 13. Kings and presidents pass before my eyes, and I can follow the history of whole nations. 14. What better way will there be of making him interested in history, geography and languages and of making these subjects live for him? 15. But my stamp collection doesn't only make me think of the past. 16. My hobby is collecting stamps. 17. If I can pass my hobby on to him, he will be grateful to me for it, as I am grateful to my mother. 18. I remember that it was on my fifteenth birthday that she first put them into my hands.



                                                             49 days in the ocean



1. The men on the barge were in great danger. 2. When the storm calmed down, they saw that the waves had swept away almost all their food and fresh water, and that they were quite alone in the open see. 3. They were doing their best to approach the shore but it was impossible. 4. The one who was on duty that day took their last cigarette out of the box and they smoked it in turn. 5. On the forty-ninth day they heard a noise in the distance. 6. A Soviet barge was carried out to the sea with four men on board. 7. Soon the heroes were brought back to the Soviet Union. 8. The weather was terrible, the wind did not stop blowing for one second, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it was raining so hard that they could hardly see anything round them. 9. On the 23 rd February they were so weak that they could only lie still side by side, but they made up their minds to celebrate their holiday, Soviet Army Day. 10. It was an American plane. 11. Their names became known all over the world. 12. Boats and planes were sent to look for the barge, but they were unable to see it among the high waves. 13. The sailors who had saved them were surprised to see that after all their misfortunes, these four young Soviet men had remained true friends, always doing their best to help each other. 14. The men on board heard the voice of the radio calling out to them but they were unable to answer because something had gone wrong with their own radio-set. 15. On the 17th January, 1960, a terrible storm broke out in the Kurils. 16. The pilot noticed them, and the four brave soldiers were soon out of danger on board an American ship.



                                                            The power of imagination


1. It'll be less expensive for you, you'll each pay half. 2.He asked the hall-porter whether there were any vacant rooms in the hotel. 3. In a weak voice the second traveler answered, “I'm sorry but I had to wake you up. 4. Then the two of them slept peacefully till the morning. 5. The sick man immediately stopped moaning and said that he was very grateful and felt much better. 6. But he was unable to open it. 7. Mr Brown jumped out of bed and began looking for his matches, but he couldn't find them in the dark, and the sick man went on moaning, “Air, air... I want fresh air. I'm dying.”8. Suddenly Mr. Brown was woken by a loud noise. 9. At first the travelers didn't like the idea, but just then it began raining hard, and they were too tired to go to another hotel, so they changed their minds. 10. It was quite dark. 11. If you don't want me to die, open the window quickly. 12. When they woke up next morning, they were surprised to see that the only window in the room was still closed but the large looking-glass was broken to pieces. 13. But he was unable to open it. 14. I feel very bad, in addition I have a terrible headache. 15. As the voice of the traveler grew weaker and weaker, Mr Brown in horror took a chair and broke the window with it. 16. Their things were carried in, and soon the two men went to sleep to the accompaniment of the rain. 17. They spoke to each other and then told the porter that they agreed to spend the night in the same room. 18. It took him some time, and at last he thought he had found it. 19. :What's the matter?” Mr Brown asked in surprise. “Is anything the matter?” 20. I've got asthma.



                                                      The childhood and youth of Dickens


 1. When Dickens was nine years old, the family moved to London where they lived in an old house in the suburbs. 2. The little boy was very clever and learned to read and write at an early age. 3. He was a weak child and did not like to take part in noisy and active games. 4. They had a very hard life. 5. The family lived there until Mr Dickens could pay his debts. 6. Charles was only able to start going to school when he was nearly twelve, and his father was out of prison. 7. He read a lot of books in his childhood. 8. The boy worked from early morning till late at night to help his family. 9. He saw a play by Shakespeare and liked it so much that he decided to write a play of his own. 10. There was nobody in London to whom Mr Dickens could go for money, and his wife with all the children except Charles went to join him in the prison. 11. He very much wanted to study but didn't finish his schooling. 12. There were several younger children in the family besides Charles. 13. Those were the most unhappy days of all Charles' life. 14. Later Dickens described his childhood and youth in some of his famous novels, among them “Little Dorrit” and “David Copperfield”. 15. At the age of fifteen he often went to the famous library of the British Museum. 16. Everybody enjoyed the performance, and the little writer felt very happy. 17. The future writer couldn't even go to school because at that time his father was in the Marshalsea Debtors' Prison. 18. The boy worked from early morning till late at night to help his family. 19. After two years of school he began to working again. 20. When it was ready, he performed it with some of his friends. 21. He had to work hard to earn his living, and tried very many trades, but he didn't like any of them. 22. He read and studied there and in this way he got an education. 23. The great writer died more than a hundred years ago (in 1870), but everybody still enjoys reading his books. 24. He spent a lot of time in the library reading-room. 25. His ambition was to study and become a well educated man. 26. Charles Dickens, one of the greatest and most popular English novelists, was born on the 7th of February, 1812, in a small English town. 27. When he was about six, someone took him to the theater for the first time. 28. After two years of school he began working again.



                                                                  The love drug



1. Jim had a friend called Pilkins who worked as a night clerk at a chemist's. 2. When is all this supposed to take place? 3. He gave Jim a powder and received his heartiest thanks. 4. And I'll look after everything else myself. 5. One day Jim came to the chemist's looking very excited and told him that he and Rosy had decided to run away and get married that night. 6. I don't mind if I have to pay for it even if it costs all the money I have. 7. But you can help me, can't you?- Jim asked finishing his story. 8. Can I do anything for you, sir? He asked politely. 9. All night he waited for news of the tragedy but nine came. 10. Shall I call the police? 11. You must come and have dinner with us some day. 12. I am the luckiest man. 13. Then I looked at her father and thought “There is the man you should take care of”. 14. At eight o'clock in the morning when it was the day's-clerk turn to start work, Pilkins went hurriedly to Mr Riddle's. 15. When Jim had gone, Pilkins, who was in love with Rosy too, immediately went Mr Riddle and told the old man that Jim and Rosy were going to run away that night. 16. She's up at the flat making lunch. 17. I'll go up myself after supper and take my gun and wait. 18. “This”, Pilkins said to himself, “will make Rosy sleep for several hours without any danger for her.” 19. If he comes under Rosy's window, he'll want a doctor not a policeman, you can be sure of that. 20. As he was crossing the street he was surprised to see Jim who cried out: “Rosy and I were married at 9:30 last night.” 21. Pilkins went home. 22. So I watched for my chance and put the powder in old Riddle's coffee – see? 23. “And the... powder?” Pilkins said in a weak voice. 24. “Don't play any tricks on that girl.” 25. “My room's just above Rosy's.” 26. She loves you that's clear enough. 27. “I'll do my best,” said Pilkins. 28. Supper's at seven, at eight Rosy goes to bed, pretending to have a headache, at nine I go under her window and – Make up the powder, Pilkins, will you? 29. “I say, Pilkins, isn't there a drug that'll make a girl like you better if you give it to her? 30. One day she says she will, and the same evening she says she won't because she's afraid. 31. Jim, a young car-driver, was a boarder at old Riddle's. 32. If I have a real stuff to give Rosy when I see her at supper tonight she won't be afraid any longer. 33. He was in love with Rosy, Mr Riddle's only daughter and Rosy was in love with him. 34. Oh, that stuff you gave me. 35. They wanted to get married but Mr Riddle expected his daughter to marry a richer man and that meant that Jim was going to have a hard struggle for his happiness.



                                                                The United Kingdom


 1. If you travel to England from the Soviet Union it will take you two days to pass through several countries on the Continent by train ans six more hours to cross the English channel by boat. 2. There are mountain chains in Scotland, Wales and North-West England but they are not very high. 3. he larger island is Great Britain, which consists of three parts: England, Scotland and Wales, and the smaller is Ireland. 4. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea, which between Great Britain and Ireland. 5. You can also fly there and then the journey will only take you three and half hours. 6. North-West England is also famous for its beautiful lakes. 7. The UK is a highly developed industrial country. 8. The UK buys more goods than she sells because she has to import food products and raw materials from many countries of the world including the Soviet Union. 9. The longest river in England is the Severn and the deepest is the Thames, on which stands the capital of England, London. 10. She exports machinery, vessels, motors and other goods. 11. The UK (short for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) is situated on two large islands called the British Isles. 12. Southern Ireland, now called Eire or the Irish Republic, is independent of the UK. 13. One of her main industries is the textile industry and a lot of British textiles are exported.



                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Lavrovs


 1. What are you doing here? 2. There's nobody else here. 3. One day after a fierce battle when the Soviet Army had defeated the enemy unit and liberated a small village he went into one of the village houses. 4. Please don't leave me here. 5. Lavrov asked her to take the boy with her and she agreed gladly. 6. I'm afraid to stay in this house. 7. Where are you parents? 8. He didn't see anybody at first. 9. All the soldiers and officers liked the boy. 10. Alexei decided to take the boy with him though he didn't know what he would do with him on the front. 11. He stayed with them a month but then Alexei realized he couldn't keep the child on the front any longer. 12. Is there anyone else in the house? 13. Early next morning the unit was unexpectedly ordered to change its position and get ready for an advance and Alexei had no time to have a word with the girl or even ask her address. 14. I don't think we've met since 1945. 15. He didn't know what to do. 16. Then he hear a weak voice. 17. Are you spending the evening with your family? 18. Alexei was also pleased to see him. 19. Luckily a delegation of workers among whom there was a girl of about eighteen, came to the front from Moscow. 20. Turning round, he saw an old friend named Pavlov. 21. They talked of old times and their friends. 22. “I'm afraid I haven't got a family yet,” Lavrov answered, “and I haven't made up my mind where to go.” 23. Some of the guests were dancing, others were talking, laughing and joking, when somebody began to play the piano and sing a beautiful song. 24. Everybody was enjoying the party. 25. When Alexei looked at the woman, he thought he had met her somewhere before, but he couldn't remember where it was. 26. “Then come to my place at eight o'clock this evening,” Pavlov said. 27. At that moment two more guests appeared. 28. The boy called her “mother” but she didn't look more than twenty-five. 29. They were a young woman and a boy of about sixteen. 30. Don't you think that that mother is too young for her son? 31. And that is the end of the story, now you understand why there is a difference of twenty years between the Lavrovs' two sons, don't you? 32. Interrupting him Alexei cried out: “Of course, that's who it is...” 33. He no longer listened to the song. 34. Everybody stopped talking at once. 35. In 1943 an officer asked her to take a little boy from the front to Moscow and... 36. Alexei went up to Pavlov and asked him. 37. “Well, he is not really her son,” Pavlov answered. 38. One day in 1952 Lavrov was going home after the May Day civil parade when suddenly somebody called out to him. 39. Glad to see you. 40. He went into the room and was introduced to the guests. 41. He couldn't leave the child alone there, he just couldn't. 42. Turning round he saw a thin, pale boy of about eight. 43. It happened during the Great Patriotic War, when the Soviet people fought against the German fascists defending the freedom and independence of the country. 44. In 1943 Alexei Lavrov was on the front.



                                       An incident from the life of a Russian revolutionary


 1. A knock at the door interrupted Bauman. 2. Are you expecting any patients? 3. “I say, it isn't your turn,” a “patient” sitting next to the door said to him. 4. Everybody understood what Bauman's question meant. 5. “I can't wait. I've got a terrible toothache,” the man answered, hurriedly examining everybody's face. 6. One of them accompanied the dentist into the surgery while the others sat down on the chairs standing along the wall and pretended to be patients waiting for their turn. 7. It didn't take them long. 8. They didn't even speak to each other, they didn't have to be reminded what to do. 9. He stopped speaking and first looked at the people sitting round him and then at the dentist in whose waiting-room they were having their secret meeting. 10. When everything was ready, the dentist's maid went to answer the knock and soon came back with an unexpected visitor who tried to go straight to the surgery. 11. Bauman who pretended that he was reading a newspaper didn't even turn his head to look at the strange visitor. 12. He was a spy, the same man he had often seen before. 13. The spy didn't know what to say. 14. We don't mind if the dentist sees him first, do we? 15. He could however clearly see the man's face and recognized him at once. 16. Has he brought the police with him? 17. Since you have a bad toothache you can go next. 18. Bauman looked up at the newcomer and for a moment it seemed to him that there was joy in the man's eyes. 19. I did my best. 20. Bauman who went on watching the spy immediately said: “Anyone with bad teeth should certainly have them out.” 21. To tell you the truth it was quite a serious operation. 22. At that moment the surgery door opened and the dentist asked the next patient in. 23. You should take a better care of your teeth. 24. The spy could do nothing but leave the dentist's flat. 25. Everybody laughed and Bauman said “That was a good idea.” 26. It's a good thing he had bad teeth. 27. Well, I think we can go on with our meeting now. 28. Didn't I say that they would break their teeth if they fought against us? 29. So he should be grateful. 30. The spy answered nothing, paid the money and hurried out into the waiting-room. 31. I don't think they'll be able to make out anything he says. 32. For a minute the spy stood there not knowing what to do. 33. You should take better care of your teeth. 34. “Would you like me to do anything else for you?” 35. A quarter of an hour later he showed the patient two large yellow teeth and said. 36. And it didn't cost him much. 37. I wonder whether he will be able to go and report to the police after that. 38. He expected to find no one there, but to his great surprise everybody was in his place. 39. The dentist told him to open his mouth wide, examined his teeth with great care and began working quickly. 40. Then Bauman said as politely as he could. 41. One thing was clear: it was necessary to keep the spy in the flat as long as possible so that he would believe that they were real patients. 42. Every worker must understand that the only way to a happy future is through struggle and the struggle is growing harder and harder. On the one hand...  



                                                          Now he belongs to the ages


1. The theater party for that evening had been planned by Mrs Lincoln. 2. The president and his party arrived at the theater when the play had already begun. 3. He had felt very tired all day and looked upset. 4. Then the play went on and the president enjoyed it. 5. The weather was fine, the sky cloudless, a fresh spring wind was blowing about flags hoisted from many privet and government buildings. 6. The 14th of April 1865 was a tragic day in the history of the United States. 7. He didn't know that his life was in danger. 8. When he appeared in the box, the audience greeted him with a storm of applause and the performance was interrupted for a moment. 9. He noiselessly opened the door, and approaching the President so that his gun was only a short distance from his head, calmly took aim and fired. 10. Booth immediately jumped from the box to the stage. 11. The president has been killed. 12. When he died one of the people in the room at the time said. 13. The day had started for the president with a usual round of office duties. 14. The city of Washington was still in a happy mood. 15. For on the evening of that day, President Abraham Lincoln went to Ford's theater in Washington to see a play which was popular at the time – and never returned. 16. He finally decided to go however because it had been announced in the newspapers that the President would be present at Ford's theater. 17. At about ten o'clock an actor named John Booth came into the theater and walked directly towards Lincoln's box. 18. It was Mrs Lincoln. 19. He landed heavily and shouted something. 20. After he had examined Lincoln he said that the President had only a few hours to live. 21. His leg was broken but he was able to get outside where a horse was waiting for him. 22. The President fell forward in his chair. 23. Now he belongs to the ages. 24. The audience saw him do all this but they thought that it was all part of the play when suddenly they heard a woman's voice cry out. 25. He got up with difficulty and slowly walked to the back of the stage. 26. Lincoln was lifted from his chair and carried to a house opposite the theater where he remained until his death the next morning. 27. These words since then have become famous. 28. Immediately a young doctor from the audience hurried to the President's box.



                                                                                                                                                                                                             The open window


1. Do you know many of the people round here? - asked the girl of about fifteen when they were sitting comfortably on the sofa. 2. They warned him however against crowded resorts and recommended a complete rest in a quiet country-place. 3. I advise you to call on Mrs Sappleton as soon as you arrive. 4. My sister stayed here four years ago, you know, and she gave me letters of introduction to some of the people here. 5. So here he was in a little village with letters of introduction from his sister to some of the people she knew. 6. Her great tragedy happened just three years ago, - said the child. 7. I owe the wonderful holiday I had to her. 8. My aunt will come down in a few minutes, Mr. Nuttel, - said a girl of fifteen, showing him into the sitting-room. 9. Some of the people there are quite nice, - his sister had said to him. 10. Then you know nothing about my aunt, do you? - asked the girl. 11. I've never been here before. 12. It's quite warm for this time of year, - said Mr. Nuttel. 13. Their bodies were never found. 14. But has that window anything to do with the tragedy? 15. There were tears in her eyes and she drew a handkerchief out of her pocket. 16. She's growing worse day by day so let me give you some advice. 17. That is why the window is kept wide open every evening till it's quite dark. 18. There was a long pause, and Mr. Nuttel was glad when Mrs Sappleton at last entered the room. 19. You know, sometimes, on quiet evenings like this, I almost get a feeling that they will all walk in through that window, and the whole family will be gathered in here again. 20. D'you mind the open window?- asked Mrs Sappleton. 21. Don't be surprised at anything she says or does: she will start telling you all over again how they went out – her husband with his coat over his arm, and her youngest brother singing “Bertie, why don't you come? - as she once told me. 22. The young girl finished her sad story. 23. My husband and brothers will soon be home from shooting, and they always come into the house this way. 24. I'm sorry, I'm late, - she said, - but I hope my niece has entertained you well. 25. Poor dear aunt she can't understand that they've left forever. 26. Yes, she's been very amusing, - said Mr Nuttel. 27. After what Mr Nuttel had just heard he looked worried. 28. She never took her eyes off the open window and suddenly cried out. 29. And she went on speaking gaily about shooting. 30. Here they are at last! 31. How tired they look. 32. Mr Nuttel seized his hat and ran out of the house like mad. 33. The doctors told me, - he said, trying to change the subject, - to have a rest here and to avoid anything that would make me feel nervous. 34. A tired brown dog was fallowing them. 35. I wonder what made that gentleman run out so quickly when we came up. 36. Noiselessly they approached the house and a young voice began to sing: “Bertie, why don't you come?” 37. Did they? - said Mrs Sappleton in voice which showed that she was not at all interested in what Mr Nuttle was saying. 38. Mr Nuttle turned slowly in his seat, looked in the same direction and saw three figures walking across the garden towards the window. 39. We've enjoyed ourselves very much. 40. Who is he? 41. Here we are, my dear, - said Mrs Sappleton's husband, coming in through the window. 42. He could only talk about his illness. 43. They all carried guns and one of them had a coat over his shoulder. 44. He didn't say a single interesting thing. 45. I think it was the dog, - said the niece calmly. 46. She was very good at inventing stories and did artistically. 47. I don't understand why ran out that way without saying good-bye, - said his wife. 48. Since then he has always been afraid of dogs. 49. He told me that he was afraid of dogs. 50. Mr Nuttel looked at the girl and saw that she was looking out of the open window with horror in her eyes. 51. Once when he was attacked by a pack of dogs somewhere in India he was so frightened that he started running like mad and finding himself in a cemetery climbed down into a newly dug grave where he had to spend the night. 52. Three years have passed but my poor aunt still things that they will come back some day, they and the little brown dog that was drowned with them, and walk in through that window just as they always did. 53. When they were crossing the river their boat probably turned over and they were all drowned. 54. But has that window anything to do with the tragedy? 55. The doctors had told him that he should go away for a holiday. 56. Mr Nuttel was a young painter who had recently had a nervous breakdown.



                                                                                                                                                                                                             A piece of soap


1. I really don't know how it all happened. 2. His face was sad and he sighed deeply. 3. When I wanted to go back to the hotel, I suddenly realized that I didn't remember its name or even what street it was in. 4. You don't seem to be in a very good mood, - said Norman. 5. I came to London this afternoon, - the young man went on. 6. They are supposed to give you soap at the hotel but it's always so bad that I decided to buy some for myself. 7. He only looked at Norman again and there was an expression in his face that Norman didn't like. 8. The newcomer was well-dressed and looked like a gentleman. 9. It was a warm May evening. 10. While he was wondering who they were and where they were going, a young man came up to the bench, gave a quick look at him and threw himself down by his side. 11. The sun had already set and it was rather dark, but he could still make out the faces of the people who were walking past him and hear the sound of their voices. 12. There was a long pause after he told the story. 13. The young man put his hand into his pocket and suddenly got up. 14. I did the same thing once in a foreign capital. 15. The weak point of your story is that you can't produce the soap. 16. It's too much to lose a hotel and a piece of soap on the same day, - said Norman. 17. I had a meal at the hotel, sent a letter to my people, giving them the address and then went out to buy a piece of soap. 18. But the young man didn't hear him. 19. I hope by the time it gets quite dark I'll have found a man who'll believe me like you did and will agree to lend me some money. 20. He was running away. 21. I just can't allow him to go away like this, - he thought and started running after the young man. 22. It could be nothing but a piece of soap and it had evidently fallen out of the young man's coat pocket when he threw himself down on the bench. 23. I'm afraid you don't believe me, - he added. 24. It's a good lesson to me, - Norman thought and went back to the park. 25. Here's your piece of soap, - Norman said, - I found it under the bench. 26. The young man obeyed. 27. Turning red Norman picked it up. 28. The young man thanked him and quickly went away. 29. Have you lost anything, sir? - Norman asked. 30. Don't lose it again, it's been a good friend to you. 31. You can return the money any day this week. 32. The only shilling I had on me when I came out was spent on the soap and the drink and here I am with twopence in my pocket and nowhere to go for the night. 33. And now I must go. 34. He spoke in a low voice, almost in a whisper. 35. I bought it, had a drink at a bar, and looked at the shops. 36. But I've done the silliest thing I've ever done in my life. 37. When he was passing the bench where the little drama had taken place, he saw an old gentleman looking for something. 38. And here's a pound if it can help you. 39. He was a philosopher, and liked sitting in the park watching people whom he didn't know. 40. Norman Gortsby was sitting on a bench hidden behind the bushes in Hyde Park.



                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Post haste


1. It was about eleven o'clock and I agreed that it wouldn't. 2. Maybe someone else has, - I said. 3. I'll tell you what, - I said. 4. I wonder if you could lend me some money. 5. He thanked me and left. 6. I'll try to find some small change for you there. 7. We both looked up and down the street but there was nobody to be seen. 8. I did my best. 9. I watched him take several steps up the street and then return to me. 10. Will you tell me the way to the post-office. 11. At home we managed to find the money he needed. 12. At the end of that time I felt as lost as Simpson and decided to go along with him. 13. The coin passed through the machine but with no result. 14. I led the way to the post-office. 15. My wife told me to post the letter tonight. 16. I'm rather lost to tell you the truth. 17. Suddenly I remembered that I had a book of stamps at home. 18. Let the other man pay double postage on it in the morning. 19. But when we found it we saw after all that it was empty. 20. The last thing I could advise him to do was to send the letter unstamped. 21. It will be posted, - I said. 22. Simpson put a penny into the automatic stamp-machine. 23. I felt as lost as Simpson and decided to go with him. 24. But he looked so unhappy standing there with the blue unstamped envelope, that I really couldn't leave him alone. 25. It's empty, - I explained. 26. Yes, well, - I said, intending to move off. 27. But we'd better hurry or we'll miss or we'll miss the midnight collection. 28. He dropped in his letter, and then, to finish off my job, I took him home. 29. After all it isn't so important but you don't know my wife. 30. That letter – it's only an invitation to dinner, to Mr... Dear me! 31. I had better post it now. 32. He just opened his eyes and mouth at me like a wounded goldfish, hurriedly said “Good-night”, and went inside. 33. But I stopped wondering the next morning, when I had to pay the postman double postage for a blue envelope with a large black spot on its face. 34. I'm so grateful to you, really, - he said when we reached his home. 35. But when we found it, we saw after all that it was empty. 36. Simpson was so nervous that he dropped the letter on the ground and when he picked it up there was a large black spot on its face. 37. It took me several minutes to explain to him where the post-office was. 38. The fact is – we are still quite strangers round here and – well, I'm rather lost, to tell you the truth. 39. It's really very good of you, - said Simpson. 40. There isn't anyone else. 41. I put my hand into my pocket. 42. I say, I'm pleased to see you, - said the little man standing by the letter-box. 43. The Simpsons were newcomers to the town, and my wife and I had only met them once or twice.



                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mr Winkle on the ice


1. You needn't trouble about skates, - somebody added. 2. How slippery it is, Sam! 3. These, these are very bad skates, aren't they, Sam? 4. Mr Winkle said e was very pleased, but looked rather uncomfortable. 5. Show them how to do it. 6. Hearing this, one of Mr Winkle's friends immediately promised to lend him his own pair. 7. Old Wardle soon joined them and they successfully performed a dance on the ice. 8. The snow had already been swept away. 9. Not an uncommon thing with ice, sir, - answered Mr Weller. 10. Never mind touching your hat, Sam, - said Mr Winkle hurriedly. 11. Please hold me at first, Sam, will you? 12. But I've only begun, - said Mr Winkle weakly. 13. I've got two coats at home that I don't want, Sam. 14. Mr Pickwick ran up to Mr Winkle very angry. 15. I shall soon learn how to do it. 16. The latter fell on the ice and sat there, trying to smile. 17. But at that moment Mr Pickwick suddenly shouted from the opposite bank: Sam! 18. Take Mr Winkle's skates off, - he said to Sam Weller. 19. Stop, Sam, stop, - said Mr Winkle trembling and catching hold of Sam's arm with a grasp of a drowning man. 20. Come, the ladies are waiting for you. 21. You can have them, Sam. 22. I shall soon learn how to do it. 23. You needn't take away your hand to do it. 24. All this time Mr Winkle blue with cold, was trying to put on his skates. 25. Sam helped Mr Winkle to rise. 26. With these words Mr Pickwick turned slowly away from Mr Winkle and joined his friends. 27. Then Mr Pickwick walked a short distance away from the rest of the party, asking Mr Winkle to follow him, and said in a low voice. 28. Can't you hear Mr Pickwick calling me? 29. I'll give it to you this afternoon, Sam. 30. You are a great liar, sir. 31. After this had been done, Mr Winkle was raised to his feet by Sam Weller. 32. The younger guests immediately put on their skates. 33. Oh, it's so graceful, - said another young lady. 34. What d'you say to an hour on the ice. 35. A third young lady said it was very elegant. 36. Everybody thought it was a good idea. 37. I do so like to watch people skating. 38. Mr Wardle had often heard Mr Winkle say that he went into sports. 39. There are lots of them downstairs. 40. I – I am rather out of practice.



                                                                                                                                                                                                            My financial career


1. My salary had been raised to fifty dollars a month and I felt that the bank was the only place for it. 2. The manager was a calm, serious man. 3. Can I see you, - I asked, - alone? 4. We're safe from interruption here, - he said. 5. Can I see the manager? 6. The expression in my eyes had made him think that I was a detective. 7. The manager got up and opened the door. 8. He will place fifty-six dollars in it. 9. To speak the truth, - I began, - I am not a detective at all. 10. I have come to open an account. 11. We both sat down and looked at each other. 12. Come in here, - he said and led the way to a private room. 13. I intend to keep all my money in this bank. 14. I wrote something on the cheque and pushed it towards the clerk. 15. What, are you drawing it all out again? 16. I intend to place in this bank the sum of fifty-six dollars now and fifty dollars a month regularly. 17. When the operation had been performed I remembered that I hadn't left any money for present use. 18. I went up to the clerk and pushed the money to him. 19. He called out to the clerk. 20. My idea was to draw out six dollars. 21. One of them prepared to pay the money. 22. Then I realized that I had written fifty-six dollars instead of six. 23. All the clerks stopped writing to look at me. 24. I was too upset to think clearly now. 25. I had a feeling that it was impossible to explain the thing. 26. I caught his meaning and answered without even trying to think. 27. Since then I use a bank no more. 28. He gave me six dollars and I ran out. 29. My face was terribly pale. 30. The sound of my voice seemed to mean “Let's do this painful thing while we feel that we want to do it”. 31. I keep my money in my pocket and my savings in silver dollars in a sock. 32. How will yo have it? - he said. 33. As the big door closed behind me I heard a sound of laughter that went up to the roof of the bank. 34. He gave me a fifty dollar note. 35. Here, - I said, - put it on my account.


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